Missed By: Joe, Pat and Carmel Falvey and everyone who met him
A Generous Donation Was Made By
Pam & Mike Becker - An extraordinary dog is extraordinarily hard to lose. We will always love you Gus. Abby is there to greet you. Heather Gilbert - Every minute spent working with Gus and Joe was a treasure. Both of them taught me so much. Warmest hugs to Joe at this time. The Animal Health Foundation Board of Trustees Don & Carol Mayfield - Gus was an aswsome dog I was lucky enough to work with for a few years. He taught me so much about compassion and love that most humans every will. I miss working with Joe and Gus so much. Gus will always be in y heart. He has changed my life and I love him for that!
The Story of Joe and Gus
Hello to all of Dad and Gus's friends. I wanted to touch base with all of you to unfortunately let you know some sad news. Recently we had to let go of our beloved Gus. Gus had really slowed down in the last fifteen months since he, Jasper and dad have moved here to Virginia with us. Obviously that is to be expected for a dog that has lived to be 15/16 years old. As you all know, Dad's dogs have been the focus of his life for many years. Dad has always sent out a beautifully composed letter of his buddy's passing and how his life has been touched. A few years ago dad could have written a book about Gus and how he touched so many peoples lives. Unfortunately, Dad is not capable of that now. Since Gus arrived here in Virginia with his brother Jasper in a "chauffeur-driven" Mercedes Benz he has been happy, hungry and bright eyed. Although Gus became more and more frail, he never seemed uncomfortable, in pain or sad. His luxurious coat, smile and good looks were with him to the end. He really was a handsome boy. Gus absolutely was one of a kind and he will be terribly missed by all of us. My dad's life has been truly enriched by having Gus as his constant companion. My dad has great memories of all the rewarding experiences they had together with pet therapy work. Dad and Gus made a great team. It always seemed to me that Gus looked out for my dad as much as Dad looked out for Gus. We all remember how Gus's warm eyes always were fixed on my Dad. Gus followed my Dad everywhere right up to the end. My Dad always felt that he was not deserving of such a fine dog as Gus. I cannot think of a more deserving person than Joe Falvey to be Gus's life companion. They warmed each others hearts and benefited greatly from one another's companionship. Unfortunately, the hardest part of having a buddy as special as Gus is saying goodbye. It is probably a blessing that in my Dad's current state he is able to deal with this loss better that he would have a few years ago. It's not so easy for the rest of us who have grown so attached to Gus. Please pass this on to others who know my dad and Gus and how much they meant to each other. Please remember Gus fondly. Please don't forget my Dad. We love you Gussie, god bless you.
Pat Falvey