From its inception, the Animal Health Foundation has provided financial help to clients with limited funds.
The Angel Fund is a cooperative venture between the Animal Health Foundation (AHF) and the Southern California Veterinary Medical Association (SCVMA) and its members. The fund assists pet owners with veterinary care in Los Angeles and surrounding counties in California, when paying for care is challenging or impossible.

Eligibility criteria for assistance from the Angel Fund:
HospitalsVeterinary hospitals in Southern California with either a full or non-voting SCVMA member on staff are edigible. Hospitals must complete an annual enrollment form before applying for funds.
ClientsTo be eligible for an Angel Fund grant, a client must demonstrate financial hardship. The veterinary hospital is responsible for confirmation of eligibility. Click here for information about the program, how to apply and other funding sources which may help. To locate an SCVMA member veterinarian click here.
PetsTo be eligible for an Angel Fund grant, pets must be spayed, neutered, or less than six months of age. If a surgical procedure is part of the treatment and there is no additional risk to the pet, spaying or neutering is mandatory. The client is financially responsible for this portion of the surgery.
TreatmentCovered care is only for non-elective medical and surgical procedures of sick or injured companion animals. Some procedures which do not qualify for funding include:
- Routine physical examinations
- Vaccinations
- General prophylactic dental care
- Spays and neuters
- Caesarian sections
- Infected uteruses
Veterinary hospitals are eligible for a maximum of $1000 for full voting members per calendar year for financial hardship cases, when they also discount their services $500. No family may receive more than the $1000 and no pet may receive funds more than once in a calendar year. Veterinarians MUST be members of the SCVMA and many hospitals reserve these funds for their existing clients.
Each veterinary hospital must complete and submit an AHF-SCVMA Angel Fund Hospital Enrollment Form. This qualifies the hospital to participate in The Angel Fund grant program. If a hospital wants to enroll in the program, the hospital should contact the SCVMA at (714) 821-7493 or fill in the Enrollment Form and the Application Form.
Your contribution makes the work of the Angel Fund possible. Learn about how your donation impacts the lives of companion animals in our latest case of the month.