November 26, 2011
Missed By: The Castro Family
A Generous Donation Was Made By
The doctors and staff of the Orange County Emergency Pet Clinics
For Merry, the sweetest cockatiel ever:
R.I.P. The Sweetest Cockatiel Ever
June 2011- November 26th, 2011
You may have been with us
A very short time
But we loved you,
And we always will,
We remember your
Sweet face and happy chirp,
And we will keep our memory
Of you alive,
We will never forget you,
Fly free, sweet little Merry
We cannot wait until we see your face in Heaven again
A poem for Merry:
Don't be grieving,
I†m not really leaving
Don't be so sad
It's not that bad
Don†t cry for too long
I†m back where I belong
I can still love
From up here above
We will not really part
If you keep me in your heart-
Isabella and Annalisse Eclipse and the Castro/Eclipse Family
Merry was the best little cockatiel ever. He was my favorite, and did everything with me. He made up sweet little songs and loved to sit on our shoulders, be petted and play with his favorite people. He died unexpectedly at only 5 months on Nov. 26, 2011, leaving behind his best friend, another cockatiel named Pippin. He made a huge impact on our lives in the short time he was here, and left a even bigger hole in our family when he left. Even though, in time, we will get a friend for lonely Pippin, he or she will never replace Merry. I miss you a lot, sweet little boy! - Annalisse, Merry's "Mom"
Update: Our budgie Greenberry has gone to rest with Merry on May 23, 2012. We will provide you with the link to his memorial soon.
M.E.R.R.Y Poem
By Isabella
Easy going
Really tame
You were the cutest!
Why did we name him Merry?
Our mom surprised us by taking us to a breeder and buying us two baby cockatiels. We were so happy! We'd never had our very own birds before, though we cared for our Grandma's budgies and had already researched cockatiel care.
As we drove home with our brand new pets in shoeboxes (with air holes, of course!) we tried to come up with names. We didn't know the gender yet. I suggested Bubbles, but Isabella thought that was silly. She wanted to name hers Pandora, and I told her that sounded way too fancy, plus I would like matching names for the both of them. So, we thought of Pippin & Merry, the two cheerful hobbits from the Lord of the Rings. So that's how Merry was named! He had a unique name and he definitely was a unique bird. <3
Update: Skyline, Greenberry's mate, had gone to rest with him on Feb. 19th, 2013.