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Animal Health Foundation Animal Health Foundation
Dog under a blanket

Tributes to Remember and Honor a Special Life

A tribute is a personal remembrance that honors the life of a friend or relative—our kindred spirits. An AHF tribute donation offers you a thoughtful and caring way to remember a loved one, while contributing to our mission to help both people and pets in need. You are welcome to designate which project you would like your tribute donation to support. When you make a tribute donation to AHF, we will create a page for this special person, and let you customize it with your own text and photographs

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In Tribute of Rahul Varma

In celebration of Kulfi's life.

In Tribute to Mike Edmonds

May 7 would have been Mike's 78th birthday.  He passed his love of all animals great and small to his family, friends and anyone who would listen to his animal tales and knowledge.  He is greatly missed.

-- Mrs. Cynthia Edmonds

In Memory of Sandy Chang

Sandy's smile, energy and kindness will be missed.  Here are some rememberances and thoughts from those who cared about and appreciated her.

Don and Carole Melvin:  In remembering  Sandy, two wonderful  qualities stand out. She was  always so happy and pleasant to work with and certainly had the gift of helps, always ensuring our registrations got processed correctly and on time. We have followed her example in also giving our dogs carrots as treats. We will miss her. 

Daleen Comer:  "Aunt Sandy", as my dogs knew her (her Roxie was literally the aunt of my Bonnie), could always be counted on for a friendly smile and liberal treats (both human and canine) at evaluations. Sandy was one of the warmest and kindest people I have ever known. She never missed an opportunity to say a kind word to nervous handlers waiting to do their evaluations. She also attended our annual Fashion Island holiday dog walks faithfully every year, with her "Grrrlls" decked out for their holiday photos. She could always be counted on to do school visits with the other therapy dogs, sharing her dogs with a kind smile for all the children. Her presence will be greatly missed.

Maryanne Dell: Sandy was the friendly smile that greeted all -- evaluators, volunteers and those hoping to become Pet Partners -- at our evaluations. She guided everyone to ensure the best outcomes. She even double-checked the evaluators' score sheets to ensure we'd dotted all the i's and crossed all the t's, and she did all of it with a big smile and kind words. Our standing joke was that she kept me in line. She was a bright light whose dimming will be greatly missed. Rest in peace, dear lady. 

Keya and French Toast.:  I remember Sandy's warm kind personality that always brought me ease when I would come to certify. What a wonderful soul to get to meet on this journey of life. Sending love.

In Tribute to Mike Edmonds

Mike Edmonds dedicated his life to the health and well being of animals this donation is a testament to his dream living on  -- Erin Edmonds

In memory of a wonderful nephew and friend.  A man who loved his family and his pets and all other animals as well.  He loved to talk and tell stories and share his knowledge with others.  You are very much missed Mike.  May God bless and keep you in his green pastures -- Love, Aunt Marcia

My thoughts and prayers are with the Mike Edmonds family - Jeanne Bauer

Mike was our supply rep for many years and he was invaluable! Between getting us hard to find medications, supplies or referrals for equipment repair, he made running a veterinary hsopital all that much easier.  Plus, he brought us great tamales every so often too! Mike was a great person and he helped many veterinrians and pets over the years - Dr. Karen Brink

Your kindness and love to all animals will always be remembered - Denna Holman

To our beloved neighbor and friend, your presence in our community is sorely missed. We loved seeing you with your cherished beagles…and tortoise! Whenever you were with your pets, or talking of Cindy or your girls, your tenderness shined - Dr. Tracey and Dr. Frank Zaldivar

Donna Vandenheuvel

In memory of Mike Edmonds - Jason Price

Dear Edmonds Family:  Mike was a great man! We are lucky he crossed our paths!! He will be MISSED!! - Rol and Francesca Gillum


In Tribute to Linda DeNault

Our beloved dog, Muppet, crossed over the Rainbow and is now with our LaLa. 

"Hello! Old Man! she said when she greeted him.  As she waited for him to cross. He will forever leave his paws in our hearts.  We will miss him greatly.  He's now free to run the meadows and lay under the warmth of the sun.

That's my Baby Doggie!!

--Rosemary, Jonathan, Joshua

In Memory of Dr. Matthew Jenkins

Dr. Matthew Jenkins, a self-made millionaire who grew up on a farm in Alabama and quietly spent his money helping thousands of children get a better education in Long Beach, has died.

Jenkins passed away Sept. 14 from complications from heart disease, Roberta Jenkins, his wife of 61 years, said Wednesday. He was 85, just 12 days short of his 86th birthday.

“He knew his time was near, and he was ready to go,” she said. “He was so proud of helping others, especially young people. He gave so much back to his community.”

She said he also was especially proud of serving as interim president of Tuskegee University in Alabama in 2013 to help save his financially struggling alma mater.

Steinhauser singled out the Math Collaborative which Jenkins heavily supported as “a game changer for helping students of color to pursue the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. That program has grown beyond Jordan High School to be replicated at Cabrillo and Wilson High Schools.”

The Animal Health Foundation honored Dr. Jenkins with their 2019 Cortese-Lippincott Award which honors an individual who has gone above and beyond in making the world a better place for both animals and humans.  The honoree has gone above and beyond in community service, service and education of the veterinary community and the human-animal bond.  

Read on for more information about this extraordinary man:

Dr. Matthew Jenkins

Doris Robinson, director of the Math Collaborative, said the tutorial program , which started in 2011, would not exist without the support of Jenkins and his wife. “He did so much more than just give financial support,” Robinson said. “He talked to the boys often and motivated and inspired them with his wisdom and caring.”

More recently, Steinhauser said LBUSD is using Jenkins’ book, “Positive Possibilities: My Game Plan for Success,” in its Male Leadership Academies.” When his book was published last year, Jenkins said he hoped it could be used as a textbook for young black men and women and others on how to be successful in life.

Dr. Alex Norman, professor emeritus at the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs and co-founder of Rethinking Long Beach, said the book was “the most important book on African American leadership that I have read. It is a must-read for anyone interested in the future of African Americans in the United States.”

Jenkins and his wife also were praised by Dr. Jonathan Talberg, music professor and director of choral activities at the Bob Cole Conservatory of Music at Cal State Long Beach. “They have made an incredible impact on the classical voice area at CSULB,” Talberg said. In addition to scholarships, Jenkins was always willing to help a student who needed support to join one of the school’s European tours, or, even more importantly, to fly to an audition in New York, Chicago or Cincinnati, he said.

“Just last night, one of CSULB’s ‘Jenkins Scholars,’ Alannah Garnier, had her Metropolitan Opera debut in ‘Porgy and Bess,’” Talberg said. “I won’t say she wouldn’t have gotten there without the support of the Jenkins, but it certainly would have been a lot more difficult. We will miss him very, very much.”

Jenkins traveled a long and varied road to success that has taken him to careers as an Air Force officer, veterinarian, entrepreneur, real estate mogul, philanthropist and interim president at Tuskegee University.

Legacy of forgiveness

Matthew Jenkins was born Sept. 26, 1933, on his family’s farm in Baldwin County, Ala. In his book, he wrote in a graphic narrative how his father, John Wesley Jenkins, was nearly beaten to death in Mississippi in 1890 for warning black farmers that the Ku Klux Klan was plotting to take their farms or burn their crops. His father’s attackers put his body onto a train headed for Pensacola, Fla., but a conductor dumped him alongside the railroad tracks. A good Samaritan, a Greek immigrant, found him and tended his wounds.

“That act of compassion began a legacy for all 10 of his children to follow, including me,” Jenkins wrote. “Even on his deathbed, he encouraged us not to harbor anger against white people or anyone else who wrongs us. ‘Never let your mind be clouded with hate,’ he said.”

Jenkins worked hard on the farm, getting up at 5 a.m. when he was 5 years old. His mother, Amelia Jenkins, assigned him chores, like picking up pecans that fell from trees, lugging water to the animals, milking cows, driving a field truck at 7 a.m., a tractor at 8. He walked three miles to and from his elementary school every day.

Jenkins said his mother turned this struggle into a character-building experience.

“She taught us that a goal is a useless dream until you have a game plan to make it a reality,” he said. “She said you must have high standards in life. Whatever you do, be the best you can be. Just one generation removed from the shackles of slavery, my parents led our family from a penniless existence to a thriving family farm enterprise.”

Jenkins said the key is to train your mind to look for positive possibilities in any situation, no matter how bleak it may seem.

“During the bleakest days of the civil rights movement, brave activists drew inspiration from the belief that they would ‘find a way out of no way,’” he said. “Tough situations test your character. Many people miss out on opportunities during tough times–discrimination, hard financial times and countless other challenges.”

Jenkins graduated from Tuskegee in 1957 with a doctorate in veterinary medicine and joined the U.S. Air Force as a captain. He conducted research in animal diseases in Greenland and later established a rabies-eradication program there.

After leaving the Air Force, he started a private practice in Compton and developed a new anesthetic combination for dogs and cats, still used in many countries around the world. In 1970, he fought for racial justice and was responsible for resolutions accepted by the American Veterinarian Medical Association that resulted in the membership dismissal of any state that practiced discrimination against minority veterinarians.

In 1958, he married fellow Tuskegee graduate, Roberta Jones, and, together, they launched SDD Enterprises, Inc., a real estate investment and property management firm with businesses in eight states after he sold his veterinary practice. They also established the Matthew and Roberta Jenkins Family Foundation, awarding scholarships and grants to deserving students, institutions and local organizations.

Jenkins has been recognized by many civic organizations for his inspiration and leadership, including the Compton College Board of Trustees, Tuskegee University Board of Trustees, Charles Drew University Board of Directors, California State University Foundation Board, Claremont Graduate University Board, Bank of Finance and the Long Beach Planning Commission where he was a member.

The book contains many examples of situations in which Jenkins was angered by how he was being treated, but he always told himself to stay calm and develop a strategy to find a solution to whatever the problem was.

Norman said “the beauty” of Jenkins was that he made a positive out of negative energy. “It’s easy to be angry,” Norman said. “What’s hard is to make sure your anger doesn’t destroy you. Matthew had the kind of leadership our polarized society demands today. He was a real thinker. There aren’t enough of them around now.”

Last year, when I interviewed Jenkins about his book, I asked him about his future. “I will keep working for the things I believe in for as long as I draw breath, with Roberta at my side,” he told me. “Our greatest pleasure in life is that we’ve been able to give back to others.”

Jenkins is survived by his wife, Roberta; children: Sabrae Derby (Brian), Derryl Jenkins and Dexter Jenkins (Della); six grandchildren; one great-grandchild, and many nephews and nieces.

A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Oct. 19, at Cornerstone Church, 1000 N. Studebaker Road. in Long Beach. The family suggests donations to Jordan High School and the Math Collaborative program in care of Doris Robinson, Jordan High, 6500 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach, CA, 90805.

In Tribute to Hsing Chi Chang

May a fun loving care generous soul rest in Peace w/all the love for you -- Mrs. Michelle Sullivan

Jonny Copp Memorial Donation From Richard, Mary and Adam Glassberg June 2009

We watched our neighbor and friend Jonny Copp grow up to be a remarkable man. We are sure Jonny got his adventurous spirit and fine character from his parents Phyllis and John. He became an explorer as a toddler when his parents, in 1974, took him on a trip around the world in a camper truck.

Jonny was an inspiration to everyone he touched … a very special person. As a teenager, we remember him heading out to go surfing or off to Joshua Tree National Park to rock climb with his friends. Jonny honed his skills as a climber and became one of the best, in the world, known for his challenging first ascents of the steepest mountains in Argentina, Pakistan, Chile, India, Alaska and the Yukon.

Jonny was more than just a conqueror of mountains. He was a poet, a musician, an award-winning photographer, a writer and a filmmaker featured in many magazines, books and movies.

In 2005, Jonny founded the Adventure Film Festival in Boulder, Colorado creating a global platform of exposure for adventure filmmakers with showings not only in Boulder but also across the United States and on three other continents. He also founded Dirt Days Environmental Fair, now called Earthfest.

The highlight for our family at the Copp’s annual Christmas party was seeing Jonny and viewing the pictures from his latest adventure.

We remember Jonny telling Adam that getting to the summit was important but getting there with style was really, what it was all about. Jonny lived his life to the fullest and everything he did; he did with passion. Jonny was compassionate and always had a smile and a hug for everyone.

Sadly, Jonny was killed in an avalanche on Mount Edgar in China and is profoundly missed by his family and many friends.

If you were not fortunate enough to have known Jonny personally visit the Jonny Copp Foundation FaceBook page where you can learn more about the remarkable Jonny Copp.

Photo: Adam and Jonny at an annual Copp Christmas party.

Dr. Joe Cortese Memorial Donation Made by the AHF Board of Trustees January 2009

Remembering Joe Cortese - “Dr. Fleas”

When the sender on the e-mail is “”, it can mean only one thing – Dr. Joe has something poignant to say.  On Thursday, November 6, 2008, Dr Fleas signed off for the final time.  While doing what he loved to do, spend time with his family, Dr. Joe Cortese finally faced an opponent he could not beat.  Joe dodged many bullets over the years, among them, surviving a battle with cancer in 1997, but not this one.  Joe succumbed to an overwhelming infection in Lubbock, Texas on November 6, 2008.  A native New Mexican from Fort Sumner, he earned his veterinary degree from Colorado State University in 1968 and moved to California.  In 1973, Joe established Capistrano Veterinary Clinic where, cherished by his many clients, he practiced for 35 years.  Known among his colleagues, for his quiet demeanor, wisdom, great sense of humor, ability to keep a balance in life, and great leadership, he set an example for all of us.  In 1991, he was President of the Southern California Medical Association (SCVMA) and throughout the years has served veterinary medicine on various committees for SCVMA and California Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA).  Joe was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Animal Health Foundation for many years and was a past-president of the AHF.  Joe drove the furthest for board meetings and never missed a meeting.  He was also the Chairman of the National Chapter of the Animal Welfare Foundation.  In 2000, he won the prestigious Don Mahan Award from the SCVMA.

Joe was a pillar of community involvement.  He was an active member of the Chamber of Commerce; President of his Rotary Club for two terms and member for 30 years; past-president and founder of CARES (Capistrano Animal Rescue Effort); board member of the San Juan Capistrano Boys and Girl’s Club andthe list goes on.  In 2001, he received the San Juan Capistrano Chamber of Commerce Award for Citizen of the Year.  His wife, Goldee, 3 children and numerous grandchildren lost a truly caring husband, father and grandfather.  Veterinary medicine and the animal welfare community lost a caring, compassionate, leader, colleague and friend with the loss of Joe. His passing leaves a hole in the hearts of his friends, his clients, his colleagues and his community, who all loved him dearly. Joe will always inspire us.

Antonio Vicente Glassberg -- Memorial Donation From Adam, Mary and Richard Glassberg April 2001

Antonio Vicente Glassberg our cousin and nephew passed away at 23 years of age on March 7, 2001 in San Diego after a long and brave battle with Hodgkin's disease.

Antonio (“Tone”), loved for his wit, thoughtfulness and charm was a great athlete and a scholar. He was an avid bowler, skier, angler (fly-fishing) and a great storyteller. Tone could bring laughter to any situation. Despite his illness, he lived life full, fast, and free, inspiring those close to him. His friends and family miss him deeply.

Even at the gravest moments, Tone never lost his sense of humor and sought to assure his many visitors how grateful he was for their time together. He was more interested in our comfort than his. We visited Tone a few days before he passed away and  barely able to lift his head, he spent most of the time we had with him asking Adam what he was doing and how school was going. He wanted to know how practice was going for me and what kind of interesting cases I had seen lately. 

Tone grew up in St. Louis and after completing seventh grade at the John Burroughs School, Tone and his family moved to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. His battle against Hodgkin's began in December 1994 when he was a senior in high school. Despite his illness, Tone graduated from Jackson Hole High School in 1995 and accepted at Georgetown University in 1995 completed three and a half years of study toward dual degrees in English literature and government before his illness prevented him from graduating. During his junior year, he met and fell in love with Anna Shkolnikov, a graduate of George Washington University. They were married on October 22, 2000.

Tone was an avid reader and an accomplished athlete who enjoyed the outdoors, especially fly-fishing, hiking, golf, and downhill skiing with his father, Tom, with whom he had a close and loving relationship. He was an animal lover and always had good questions for a veterinarian. At Georgetown, he was a member of the polo team. He was an art enthusiast never missing openings at the National Gallery. He loved to travel and made many trips with his loving mother Alicia to Europe and her native Colombia.

Before his death, Tone told his best friend, Matt Schnuck, about his dream for an educational foundation.  He told Matt about his vivid memory of an extremely bright, fun-loving fellow grade school classmate who could no longer attend private school because of the financial burden to his family. A couple months before his death, Tone asked Matt to lead an effort, in his name, to prevent that same thing from happening to others. With Matt’s help, Tone established a charitable foundation with a $100,000 bequest to provide scholarships for needy children. Over 450 others have now donated to the foundation, a testament to everyone’s love and respect for Tone. It is touching to read what scholarship students have to say about how meaningful the grants have been.  Please visit to read some of their messages. Please click on the "more information" link below to visit the Antonio V. Glassberg Educational Foundation on Facebook and become a fan!

With his love for animals, we know Tone would be an AHF supporter and appreciate our donation to the foundation in his name.

We miss you Tone…

Adam, Mary and Dick

Natalie Kennedy Memorial Donation from Mary, Richard and Adam Glassberg June 2010

When I came to Orange County fresh out of veterinary school in 1968 I met Ralph and Natalie Kennedy and knew instantly there were caring, concerned people with a real social conscience in my new town. The community lost a remarkable woman when Natalie passed away suddenly while gardening on June 20.  

Jonathan Dobrer a columnist for the Fullerton Observer, ( a community newspaper founded by Ralph and Natalie and now published by their daughter Sharon, wrote a moving tribute to Natalie in the July 2010.  We would like to share this tribute to Natalie with our Animal Health Foundation friends and supporters.

 Natalie Kennedy: A Passion for Justice

-Jonathan Dobrer

When you think of giants you don’t usually picture someone 5’6 (at her tallest). When you look for a pillar you may not imagine an 85 year old slightly bent by age.  When you search for a prophet, you don’t normally consider a gentle voice with more good to say about humanity than bad.  Given all of these deficits in our search criteria you might not have seen Natalie Kennedy as all of these—and so much more.

Yet whenever there was a wrong to right, she was there—working for minorities of race, ethnicity and the socio-economically disadvantaged.  Whenever a group was denied housing, she was a witness for justice.  However, she was not simply a malcontent or a complainer.  She worked and gave of her talent and energy to create organizations that would constructively engage problems.  From fair housing to the labor rights of farm workers, her heart opened to all those who were marginalized by the mainstream.

She fought hate with love and engaged indifference with passion.  Along with her late husband, Ralph, she founded and nurtured The Fullerton Observer—a paper with a view but also with the integrity to publish dissenting opinions.  A paper “Small enough to tell the truth.”  A paper not beholden to any single sponsor or advertiser.  A paper that reflected her spiritual and political values. She handed the paper off to her daughter Sharon, who has sustained it because, well, she was raised by Natalie and Ralph.

Nor is it some strange accident of fate or coincidence that Natalie’s son, Rusty, heads the Orange County Human Relations Commission.  He too lives out her legacy of love and commitment.  Look at the family portrait on page 17.  You will see not simply a family but America—and not simply America but the world. Every color, ethnicity and culture has a place in the picture that represents her great heart, her heart that was large enough to encompass all.

Natalie lived to have and love 6 children, 16 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.  She was politically the poster-mom for every liberal cause—except obviously Zero Population Growth.  And she was liberal in the greatest and most essential way—not simply partisan (though surely that) but generous and open, giving of her self without limit or expectation of return.  Opening her heart for no other reason than she thought it was the right thing to do.

I knew this Rhode Island Redhead (some just called her a “Red.”) Presbyterian, Congregationalist, Unitarian had a heart large enough to embrace me.  Over the past 12 years I saw her frequently—usually three or four times a month in her home.  At one time almost half her home was dedicated to the Observer. Whenever I stopped by she would inevitably try to force-feed me like a Strasbourg goose.  Next to my own mother she was the person most concerned with my care, feeding and sometimes with my dieting.  Like I say, another Mom.

It is fitting that when death came to her after 85 years it was her heart that gave out.  It did not rust away.  It wore out from generous use.   Without suffering or prolonged illness, her heart simply stopped—not like those old batteries that slow down, but like the new ones that run at full strength until they don’t.

When she died, she was tending her garden, planting water-saving succulents. Her work ethic and environmental values were strong till her final heart beat.  She died as she lived—committed to caring about the larger world and doing something to give her values flesh.  Yes, she died while tending her garden, but she lived believing and acting as if the whole world were her garden.  And now it is ours to tend.

Thank you Natalie; the world is a better place for your having been here.  We are all personally enriched and inspired by your life having touched ours.

Robert K. Washburn Memorial Donation from Lou Gatto July 2010

In honor of a man who had a soft spot in his heart for all animals.

In loving memory of A. Robert (Bob) Jack - A donation from the Dr. Mark Malo and Dr. Richard Glassberg Families. October 2010


We remember Bob in many ways. He worked in both our practices for many years.  He was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Animal Health Foundation. He was always there for us in times of need. If Bob heard one of us was sick he would call to ask how he could help before we could call him for help. Without asking him he rearranged his schedule when we truly needed his help.  He set an exemplary example for both of us and for our staffs and words can not express our sadness at our loss.

In the 40 years I knew Bob I never heard him say a bad word about anyone and the only time I ever saw him express anger was when someone came in with an abused animal. I'll never forget hearing him tell the owner of an abused cat she had two choices which were to sign the cat over to him or be reported for animal abuse.  He saved the dying cat and she's still with us. She only has three good legs and we call her "Peggy Jack".

Reverend Robert Scott captured the true essence of Bob in his eulogy at Bob's memorial service. We would like to share it with others here on Bob's memorial page.  



September 29, 2010

Eulogy delivered by Dr. Robert H. Scott, Pastor

Dr. Scott resides in Placerville, CA,    <>

Today I’m remembering and reliving, many years of an amazing friendship.  Dr. Bob Jack and his dear Bonnie came into my life some 50 years ago, and for a number of years, I had the joy of being their pastor in First Church of the Nazarene in Santa Ana, California.  But it was much more than a “pastor-parishioner” relationship…they became dear friends, and that friendship has continued to this day. 

The church was at a major moment in its history when they arrived.  For the healthy congregation, facilities and property were outgrown, big time!  New, larger property and facilities were a must!   Dr. Bob and his wonderful companion immediately began to help with that need, investing their time and resources.

After a short while Bob was elected to the Church Leadership Board, and he remained on that board for many years.  He held the office with the highest honor, never officious, nor flashy.  I am not exaggerating when I say that Bob Jack was one of the most gifted, faithful lay persons I had the privilege of knowing in 50 plus years of ministry.

He had a “special spiritual DNA” that I believe explained the values and priorities of his life.  It grew from a deliberate choice he had made years before.  When he was a young man, some special Bible verses were given to Bob, and he lived by those words and modeled them.  They are selections from the Wisdom literature of the Old Testament, Proverbs, Chapter 3:

“My child….store my commands in your heart.  If you do this, you will live….and your life will be satisfying.  Never let loyalty and kindness leave you!  Tie them around your neck as a reminder.  Write them deep within your heart.  Then you will find favor with both God and people, and you will earn a good reputation.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.  SeekHis will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.  Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom.  Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil….Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce….  Don’t reject the Lord’s discipline, and don’t be upset when he corrects you.  For the Lord corrects those He loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights.  Joyful is the person who finds this wisdom, the one who gains this understanding….”   

I believe such words became the blueprint, THE DNA OF BOB JACK’S LIFE!  For him, God was no afterthought, no secondary recourse, no handicap.  God was not given the “leftover’s” of his time, his money, his energy….  He “sought God’s will in all he did, and God showed him the path of life” to take!

In our church, First Church of the Nazarene, Santa Ana, where Bob and Bonnie settled, over the next 5- year period new property was found, new and commodious buildings were erected and properly furnished, financing was achieved, and, congregational unity and mission were retained.

When the final completion moment arrived, as Pastor with all my various responsibilities, “I” was tired, oh so tired!  I told the Church Leadership Board I just did not have energy to go on.  I felt,  “Maybe now they needed new leadership.”   And I offered them my resignation.

Bob Jack immediately spoke out…. “Pastor, we don’t want your resignation; you are worn out from your leadership of this huge project.  You need the recouping of your strength, vision, energy!”  

Turning to his leadership colleagues, he said, “I make a motion we send our pastor and his wife on a minimum 3-week rest-trip to the Hawaiian Islands…I will volunteer to prepare a complete itinerary for them, and get all the tickets purchased.  The church should pay all their bills, and allow them to come back only when they are physically and emotionally recovered.”  I sat in shock as others affirmed his motion, which subsequently carried unanimously.   It was so typical of the sensitivity and kindness that poured through the life of Bob Jack!  He was like that!  Looking back now, that act of compassion probably saved my ministry in Santa Ana and gave us years of continued growth!    

This “Bob Jack DNA” not only showed itself in church work, but in his professional career where the “clients” were little or big four-legged-furry creatures.  In his Veterinary Profession, he gained credibility for his skills and collegiality.  In the past few days a Veterinary Doctor colleague told Bonnie, “As soon as he has the strength, I want Bob to come help me…I don’t care if he can talk or not….his presence is what’s important…he’s kind to the animals..”  His “DNA” showed kindness there also, as did wisdom and skill, initiative and integrity, humor and reliability.  He would insist that his trust in the guidance and promises of God drew the “blueprint” by which he intentionally lived “wherever” he might be.   Obedience to God, and love and concern for his fellow-man, were the designs of Bob Jack’s life.

After years of being his pastor, I moved 1500 miles away, to a new church assignment with a global responsibility.  Our physical paths became widely separated.  We rarely saw one another.  But friendship with Bob Jack was not controlled by geography.  Last week one of our mutual friends, Mark Wilson, put it well when he said, “It didn’t matter how long you’d be away from Bob; coming back together with him was as if you had never been separated.”  Bob Jack’s friendship was like that. 

In the passing years, Bob and Bonnie developed a special love for scuba diving which took them to a far away place called the “Truk Islands.”  These are a group of volcanic islands in the South Pacific, surrounded by some of the greatest coral reefs in the world.

But Bob and Bonnie wouldn’t go there and, like many, live in a “tourist bubble.”  They connected with the people of those heavenly Coral Reefs whose “world” might have been forever small, except for these two Americans.  Bob and Bonnie made it possible for a young lady of Truk to come to distant San Diego, CA, where she became a student, then a graduate of Point Loma Nazarene University.  And they made possible the education of a young Truk man, who received his education at San Diego State University, returning to become the Government President of the Truk Islands.  To this day, both of these young people call Bob and Bonnie their “parents,” and little children out of their lives call Bob and Bonnie “grandparents.”  How interesting that because of their love and sensitivity to others, Bob and Bonnie, who never had blood children of their own, became “parents” and “grandparents” to lives thousands of miles away whom they would never have otherwise known!

The Truk Islands and their people captured so much of Bob’s love that his ashes here will soon be taken back there and deposited in the Coral Reefs in a final act of Bonnie’s love.

So today we celebrate this life.  Do you crave a stability like Bob Jack’s DNA gave him?  Do you want a home, where there is such a love and peace and purpose?  Do you want to come to the end of your days, and not be afraid?  You can!  The Bible gives us a great truth that Bob Jack has now experienced in all its reality. 

I John 2:17: “This world is fading away, along with things people crave here.  But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.”

Years ago, Carlo Carretto, one of Catholicism’s great writers expressed a unique metaphor for life and death in a beautiful picture format.  He said, “Think of a little unborn baby, squirming in its mother’s womb, and imagine it hearing that it must now leave that warm, safe, nourished environment.  The baby recoils.  ‘I don’t want to leave here…I’m safe here…I know this place…don’t make me go.’  But the exit is predestined.  Birth moment comes.   The infant leaves its Mother’s womb to be received (ideally!) into competent, loving hands…and suddenly the previously tight world no longer confines…indeed, now there is new expanse….new freedom….new beauty…hands and lives that hold and love and enrich, and give that infant a new and amazingly different world.”  No more hesitation, or fear!

Carlo Carretto said, “Heaven is like that…we recoil because we cannot imagine it now.  But there is so much more that God has prepared for us than the womb of this world…there is an expanded and beautiful Heavenly world… there is a freedom we’ve never imagined and new life to enjoy it, in the most loving and tender of all hands and arms: the hands and arms of a loving God!”

Today, Bonnie, and family, and friends of our dear Bob: your loved one has arrived at this new freedom…..  Is he scuba diving in heaven’s bigger more beautiful waters?  Is he playing with the little animals that God has within his great enclave?  For sure, he is free from larynx and carotid artery cancer! For sure, he is in the loving fellowship with the wonderful Savior whom he knew and followed here! 

And WE WILL JOIN BOB JACK if we embrace the DNA, and prioritize God in our lives as he did!  How true are the words:  “This world is fading away, along with everything that is damagingly craved, but ANYONE WHO PLEASES GOD WILL LIVE FOREVER!”  I John 2:17  

In the late 19th century, a well known British poet named Alfred Lord Tennyson penned lines that spoke beauty and hope for one coming to death’s moment, especially one who loved nature and the sea as Bob Jack loved them.  This poetic expression was titled “CROSSING THE BAR.”  I share these words with you now, in honor of Dr. Bob Jack, who has begun a new journey as pictured in Tennyson’s lines…..                                                        


  - Alfred Lord Tennyson

Sunset and evening star,

And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea,
Twilight and evening bell,

And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark;

For tho' from out our Bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I KNOW I’LL SEE my Pilot face to face
When I have crost the bar.


In Memory of Virginia G. Benoit

In rememberence of Virginia G. Benoit,  grandmother to Pet Partners Baloo and Mattie.

Hugh Graham

In memory of Hugh Graham who loved his dogs greatly - Blessings, Karen and Don Dalielson

In Memory of Marc Russell Higgins

Beloved husband of 40 years and father.

He will be sorely missed by Kathy, Nikki and Marc, Jr.

In Memory of Carol Straus - Donation from Richard, Mary and Adam Glassberg

 Carol Straus

1942 -2011

Carol was our good friend for over 40 years and we will truly miss her.  She was an artist, photographer, and a pet lover who was devoted to her family and many friends.  Carol was always there for those in need of her support. We all miss Carol

Dick, Mary and Adam

In Memory of Renee Garner, a pet lover and a wonderful person

A generous donation was made to the AHF in memory of Renee Garner by Cathy and James Raybon

Thank You Janice Laureen - January 17, 1956 - March 8, 2012

The Board of Trustees of the Animal Health Foundation thanks Janice for her tenure as Executive Director in 2008 and 2009 and offers condolences to her family.

Janice was born in Regina, Saskatchewan and passed away in Los Angeles, California. Janice was proud of her homeland Canada which was reflected in her many years with the organization Canadians Abroad, for which she was inaugural president in 1997. She was a respected business leader and recipient of several notable awards. She was a doting wife and step-grandmother and loved spending time around the ocean whether it was a stroll on the beach or a drive along Pacific Coast Highway.

In loving memory of Sunny Glassberg - A donation from Richard, Mary and Adam Glassberg and Bob, Sally, David and Emily Sands

In memory of our mother and grandmother Sunny Glassberg (1918-2013).

Richard, Mary and Adam Glassberg

Bob, Sally, David and Emily Sands

We would like to designate our memorial donation to help provide an Orangutan Caring Veterinary Scholarship for a needy student in Indonesia.  Sunny supported many scholarships and this is a perfect use for our donation. With permission of the St. Louis Beacon, we are including some of their article about Sunny written by Gloria Ross of Okara Communications.

 Sunny and her husband Myron’s philanthropy will carry on through the Mysun Foundation beneficiary of her estate.

Sunny, whose generosity, along with that of her husband Myron, buttressed many of St. Louis’ proudest educational, civic and cultural institutions. They gave hundreds of single mothers and older adults a chance at a college degree. Sunny delightedly accepted the title of "the Turtle Lady."

She was so-nicknamed for "a little gem; that wonderfully whimsical Turtle Park," said Peter Raven, president emeritus of the Missouri Botanical Garden.

Turtle Park in St. Louis is a tiny sliver of Forest Park in St. Louis, detached from the park’s mainland. Populating the park are large and small turtles including hatching turtle eggs and a gracefully curled serpent wall are all suitable for climbing or sitting. Turtle Park’s largest denizens are big enough to "swallow" small children.

The living turtles that often found their way home with her children were Mrs. Glassberg's inspiration for the playground’s concrete replicas. She commissioned sculptor Bob Cassilly to fashion the creatures, and architect Richard Claybour to design the park.

Her 1996 grant transformed the once-lonely strip across Highway 40 from the St. Louis Zoo into a children’s wonderland.

Giving with gusto

When the World’s Fair Pavilion in St. Louis faced the wrecking ball, Sunny donated seed money to restore it, and set about helping to raise the rest. She dedicated the restoration to the memory of her husband Myron.

Turtle Park and the World’s Fair Pavilion were two of her best-known achievements, but there were many more.

Sunny supported a picnic pavilion at the Shaw Nature Reserve; contributed to the reforestation of Tower Grove Park, and established an endowed professorship at Washington University for its International Center for Advanced Renewable Energy and Sustainability (I-CARES). She recently partnered with the Missouri Department of Conservation and the federal government to purchase 438 acres along the Meramec River, near Pacific. This was a very special project for the family inasmuch as her husband Myron anonymously funded a successful lawsuit to save the Merimac River from commercial gravel mining. She was there for the dedication May 6, 2013 for the Myron and Sonya Glassberg Family Conservation Area.

Through gifts to the Scholarship Foundation, Sunny helped nontraditional students realize their dreams. "Sunny was the contributor to 10 major scholarships annually," said Faith Sandler, executive director of the Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis. "She chose (the scholarships) very carefully with great social justice in mind. “All that she did, she did with great gusto and humility," Sandler added. "She was a wonderful woman."

Her scholarships went to students of veterinary medicine and engineering, women returning to school and St. Louis Public Schools graduates. She funded her first scholarship with the proceeds of her estate sales business, Sellers Unlimited.

Sunny supported the Jewish Federation of St. Louis, and encouraged people to visit its Holocaust Museum and Learning Center, "so that such atrocities are never allowed to be repeated."

Among the many other beneficiaries of her largesse are the Missouri Historical Society, YMCA, League of Women Voters the St. Louis Zoo, the Fullerton Arboretum and the Gallatan Valley Land Trust.  She volunteered with mental health patients at the old State Hospital and helped establish the Switching Post to benefit Miriam School.

Her efforts garnered many honors, including the 2012 Greensfelder Medal from the Missouri Botanical Gardens and the 2012 Older Women’s League’s Women of Worth Lifetime Achievement Award; the Individual Saint Louis Zoo Award in 2010, the Hiram W. Leffingwell Lifetime Achievement Award in 2009 and the St. Louis Woman of Achievement for Creative Philanthropy in 2007.

Sunny and Myron live on in the memory of her family and friends and through the works of their Mysun Foundation.

In Memory of Leonard P. Kramer

In memory of Leonard P. Kramer, a father and grandfather to our dear friends, the Kramers -- Jeff and Kellie Randle

In Memory of Sharon Torrico Osorio

Sharon was a lover of all kinds of animals since the beginning, affectionately caring for three dogs, five cats, multiple frogs, birds, turtles, fish, lizards, and one little caterpillar in her lifetime. She volunteered at a local animal shelter, and then went on to volunteer and work at an emergency animal hospital, all the while dreaming of opening and managing her own no-kill shelter. She earned a B.A. in Biology, had taken her GRE exam, and was beginning her applications to different veterinary schools. She fostered three two-day old kittens who would have otherwise been euthanized had she not done so. She fed them every two hours, eventually adopting one of them when released to the public. When working night shifts at an emergency animal hospital, she would love and care for the furry, trauma patients.

In honor of her memory, and in celebration of her life and love, we ask you to make a donation to the Animal Health Foundation (AHF), which has aided in saving countless lives of loved pets belonging to families who could not otherwise afford the bills for their medical conditions, and would have had to resort to euthanasia. 

To donate in Sharon's name:  Sharon Torrico Osorio 

Please designate your donation to the ANGEL FUND

Generous Donations were made in Sharon's name by:

Dr. Nada Khalaf - "Your memory will always remain in our hearts"

Cecile and Avi Hanna

Monica Heredia - "I thank my God everytime I remember you"  Philippians 1:3

Emilio Galleguillos, Brandon Levin and Justice Design Group - "May Sharon rest in peace and may her passion for love of animals carry on"

Simone Trimm - "God bless you Sharon!!! You wree such a light in life!  I guess God needed you more than us to take care of his animals in heaven! Fly free my friend"

Doctors and Staff at VCA McClave - "We will always remember you as a dedicated compassionate employee.  You will not be forgotten"

Wilma Torrico - "Sharon you are an angel now, you fought until the last minute with all your heart.Life gave us this unfair war without any chance to fight back with medicine or treatment, we walk together through this horrible disease. We were and we continue to be blessed with many angels on earth that made your wedding the love of your life possible, and assisted us with your brother's and sister's well being while we were gone three times last year. You brought all these angels to our lives. Your charisma brought a community together making everybody forget about their differences and uniting them for one single goal. Saving your life and making you happy. I always say and I always will that I have learned a lot from you, the love and passion for animals that cannot defend nor speak for themselves. You had a special connection with all the animals and I am sure you are taking care of them in heaven. You were an advocate for women's rights and equality, and fought with strong conviction against domestic violence. You always protected your brother and your sister and taught them to be their best with your your example. When you were born I called you my little angel, my little piece of heaven for long time and I was not wrong. Your life was chosen to touch many people and animals with a message of love, patience and hope as angels do. We are thankful for all the angels you brought to our life, God bless every single person that help us and support us for the last year.
When my time comes I know you will be waiting for me with that unconditional love.
I love you mi pollito,mi pedacito de cielo, mi angelito.
I hope you found your caterpillar already (your first pet)



In Memory of Dr. Chas. Hendricks

Dr. Chas Hendricks was an icon and legend in Southern California.  He could be considered a founding father for the quality of veterinary care that is offered in this region.  AnaBrook Animal Hospital and Dr. Hendricks employed and mentored so many great local veterinarians that they are too numerous to count and recount. 

When Dr Hendricks was honored with the Cortese Lippincott Award in 2015, the number of his colleagues who wanted to speak to his excellence was over whelming.

Chas contributed in big ways—through organized veterinary medicine- SCVMA and AAHA; and small ways--- the Clinical Pathology Rounds that still are held. 

Chas…we will all miss you and Jan!!!

The SCVMA Board of Trustees

In Memory of Joe Falvey

Joe was a gracious, humble and giving gentleman.  He had a very gentle way about him and his love of dogs was deep. A hole is left in many hearts with his passing.  The one word the people use to describe him is "special".

On Sunday, June 12, Joseph Robert (Joe) Falvey passed away peacefully in the company of his son, Patrick, and daughter-in-law, Carmel. Born May 10, 1935, in Providence, Rhode Island, to Patrick and Ellen Falvey, Joe was the youngest of four children. He is predeceased by his brother, John, and sister Mary and is survived by, along with Patrick and Carmel, his sister Helen Babin; nieces Mary Lou, Christine, Susan, Ellen, Mary and Patsy; nephew Michael; great nieces and great nephews; and countless friends.

Joe attended Saint Raphael Academy where he excelled in baseball and basketball. He later attended Providence College, where he was a member of the ROTC and played basketball. After graduation, Joe served 2 years in the U.S. Army, Missile Master Corp. It was at this time that he developed a passion for golf.

Following his tour in the Army, Joe began a career in the technology industry. He worked for IBM, Honeywell, and their subsidiaries, focusing on data processing and later the development of barcode scanning equipment. In 1978, Joe moved to Southern California to become the president of MSI, at the time a leader in the barcode scanning industry.

California afforded Joe the opportunity to play golf year round. He loved tinkering with golf clubs, continually changing grips and shafts to find the perfect fit. He loved all sports, but especially college basketball. His obsession with college basketball meant March Madness was a time to stay home from work and watch the games non-stop.

Joe loved dogs. Rhody, Bogie, Birdie, Mulligan, Gus and Jasper were his trusted companions. He enjoyed walking them to the park twice a day, and he even had a designated "dog car" so he could bring his dogs with him and chauffer them about in comfort. He was especially fond of Australian Shepherds and was active in Aussie Rescue of Southern California. He rescued, fostered and found "forever homes" for many dogs.

Perhaps his greatest friend and companion was Gus, a beautiful, gentle Aussie that he rescued, brought back to health and ultimately provided a forever home. The two were inseparable. For 12 years, Joe and Gus were extremely active in pet-assisted therapy, visiting patients in hospitals, stroke units and memory care facilities. Visiting and providing comfort gave Joe and Gus great pleasure. They became "celebrities" in the pet therapy community and were often recognized for their good work.

In 2012, Joe decided it was time to move to Virginia to be with Patrick and Carmel. He remained in Virginia until his passing.

The family requests that in lieu of flowers donations be made to the Parkinson's Disease Foundation ( or the Alzheimer's Association (

In Memory of Cindy McKenna

Ms. Elizabeth Desloge has made a donation in honor of Cindy McKenna, a generous woman & true animal lover.  Cindy never turned away a stray animal so she kept her door open to animals of all kinds - dogs, cats, chinchilas, etc.  Her heart and love for animals will never be forgotten.

In Memory of Sylvia Esposito

In loving memory of Sylvia from Terri Seshadri.

Sylvia loved her companion dog, Mia, very much.

In Memory of Joel Thomas
Joel Thomas will be sorely missed by many friends. He was a very intelligent man who had several impressive careers. But his best job was caring for dogs. Joel adopted so many old or needy dogs throughout his life. Each one was loved deeply by Joel. At the time of his death Joel ran a dog sitting business. This allowed him to enjoy more dogs than his own two. I think Joel must be over the Rainbow Bridge.
In Memory of Gail Anne Rominger, 1963 - 2017
Gail Rominger was a courageous warrior in the fight against Breast Cancer these past five years. She inspired us all, and so many who never personally met, with her strength, ability to isolate the challenges of her illness, unwavering commitment to her job, love of family and friends, and infectious, witty sense of humor.
Everyone who encountered Gail was blessed by her beautiful smile and put at ease...and those with four legs knew they were particularly special.
Gail would be filled with gratitude for all donations made in her name going to aid those pets who need medical care. She was primarily a dog lover, and wonderful owner to Oso, her lab and Allie, her Austrailian Shepherd, but she had a special place in her heart for all living creatures.
The AHF thanks the following people who honored Gail's memory with love and a donation to the AHF Angel Fund*:

Ed and Nancy Bourne

Dana & David Lindley

The Carey Family

Larry and Kathy Coyle

Suzanne & Beatrice Frey-Obolsky

Gail's Friends at TDC: In fond memory of Gail, our friend and co-worker, who we all miss very much.  Her smile and easy kindness will not be forgotten

The Doctor's Management Company



*The Angel Fund is a cooperative venture between the Animal Health Foundation (AHF) and the Southern California Veterinary Medical Association (SCVMA) and its members. The fund assists pet owners in Los Angeles and Orange County, California, with veterinary care when paying for care is challenging or impossible.

In Memory of Matthew Paulo
I knew Matthew for only a short time. We had a patient- nurse relationship. He loved animals and it’s so touching that he wanted donations in lieu of flowers. He fought a long battle much harder than I think I could have fought. I believe he is free of his imperfect body, free of pain and I hope I will see him again healthy and smiling in paradise! I extend much sympathy to his family in their loss! Aloha....Matthew
--Mrs. Annette Benton
In Memory of Phyllis Kopit

The Southern California Veterinary Medical Association made a donation in memory of Phyllis Kopit, the wife of a long time member and past President of the SCVMA, Dr. Harold Kopit.