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Animal Health Foundation Animal Health Foundation
Woman hugging dog


Recognitions are a means to recognize life’s turning points for the special people we know. Consider a donation to honor a friend or relative’s graduation, marriage, anniversary or other special day in the person’s life, or even to welcome a new pet family member. When you make a recognition donation in the name of someone special, the foundation will notify this person of your gift, as well as create a dedication page for you to customize with your own text and photographs. Your donation will help support the AHF mission to help both people and pets in need.

Make Recognition Donation

In Recognition of Pam Becker

pamanddogs This contribution is made in honor of your wonderful service of the foundation over the years and for the pleasure of working with you from your many friends at Westmount.

In Honor of Clydene Bresee

From Mark, Dawn, Casey and Carly - December, 2023

Beach Blvd. Pet Hospital

Thank you for recognizing our beloved cat, Roscoe on AHF.  He was a special big guy and such a character.

You always go above and beyond for our pets.  We appreciate everything you do and the wonderful people you are.  You are simply amazing.  And thank you for introducting us to AHF.

Penny and David Hurley

Roscoe's memorial


Veterinary Practices Recognized

Greg and Becky Arrowsmith donated to the AHF in recognition of the Orange County Veterinary Medical Center and the Orange County Emergency Pet Clinics as a thank you for all they did to care for the kitty, Olive.

The AHF thanks the Arrowsmith's for their generous donations and applauds the veterinary practices for going above and beyone to care for Olive.

Dr. John Grote Recognized

Mr. Randolph Head donated to the AHF to recognize Dr. John Grote for his "support of Older Pets and their families", noting that that support is "admirable".

Thank you, Mr. Head.  For more information about Dr. Grote, click here.


In Honor of Dr. Alice Villalobos for the Care of Horace

This donation is made in grateful appreciation for the care and love you gave Horace.  He would not have had the quality of life he had till the very end.

--Victoria and Roland DyBuncio


Dr. Sheldon Altman

In appreciation of my father.  Love, Susan

In Recognition of Minnie

Minnie is an AHF Caring Creatures Pet Partner and her team mate, Maria Ponce, thanks the AHF for making them better partners!

In Honor of Anne Cummings

In honor of your 80th Birthday, Aunt Anne

-- Raymond and Donna Crain


In Honor of Tiffy, Brie, Cyra, Wesley & Duchess

Thank you to the Giess Family

Instant Karma Dog Training proudly donates a portion of every training program tuition to local animal rescue as part of our Good Karma Philosophy.  The Giess Family selected the AHF to be the recipient of this donation toward our Caring Creatures Pet Partners program!


In Honor of Dr. Lilen Chen

We would like to honor Dr. Lilen Chen for the excellent care and thoughtful decision-making throughout the life of our beloved English bulldog, Annabelle.  When Dr. Chen relocated to Point Vicente Animal Hospital in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, we had no problem making the 30-mile drive to continue the best possible care for our girl with the best vet we’ve ever known.  Her knowledge and expertise for the care of animals was a key factor to Annabelle’s 16-year-long life (extraordinary for a bulldog). When a sudden illness forced us to make the hardest decision of our lives, Dr. Chen went above and beyond to create a kind, loving and compassionate space for us to say goodbye.  She has been a very special part of our lives, and we cannot begin to thank her enough for what she has done for our family.  We look forward to introducing future family members to Dr. Chen.

- John and Sandee Fenton

In Honor of Sasha Abelson/Love Leo Rescue

Dr. Wendy Brooks and the Mar Vista Animal Medical Center made a donation in recognition of all the work you do to help unite animals with their Forever Homes, we are making a donation in your name so that those Forever Homes can continue to be forever.

Amy Malone Revels

Merry Christmas from Matthew Diewald, Taylor Saruwatari, Amy May Williams and Ned Kimball

Jan Vincent

From Ms. Teri Kato

Dr. Sheldon Altman

In honor of Dr. Sheldon Altman on his 80th birthday. 

You are the most expmplary veterinarian, generous and kind hearted individual (a super brother too)!

Much Love,  Syl & Ken


To learn more about Dr. Altman:


In Honor of Dr. Sean Goddell\'s cat, Ruby

From Ms. Kathleen Salmas

Charlene Savage, Donor to the Animal Health Foundation and Animal Lover, Was Inspired by her Parents’ Theory of Giving.

Sometimes when meeting a new person, you just know. You know they are kind, and generous. They have an ability to put people at ease with a simple smile and easy greeting.  It’s easy to meet them, and you instantly feel like you have found a friend. When I met Charlene Savage at her home, it was very much like that, an instant connection .  Charlene has been one of the most prolific donors in the History of the Animal Health Foundation, and we wanted to meet with her to say a humble and heartfelt  “thank you”.  During the conversation, I realized her story is our story, the pet owner’s story and for those of us who appreciate the human animal bond- a reminder of why doing what’s right is always the best choice.

Charlene is a local gal-born and raised in Southern California, working in her family business while raising her own family of 3 boys (and now 7 grandchildren)-all of them pet lovers.  From an early age, she loved dogs, especially shelter dogs.  I asked her about her theory of giving – which was inspired by her loving parents – and why she chooses the AHF as a charitable organization. 

Charlene, could you tell me how you learned about the AHF?

“I started donating to the AHF memorial fund in honor of a beloved dog name Beau, a Sheppard mix.  I learned about the program from my veterinarian, Dr. Glassberg of Sunnycrest Animal Care Center in Fullerton, when Beau died. It was a nice way to remember him.  I learned that the AHF provides support for veterinary expenses and funds scholarships around the world.”  That resonated with Charlene-a charity that promotes the human animal bond and strives to make the world a better place for pets.

The Human Animal Bond

One of the tenants of The Animal Health Foundation is promoting the human animal bond.  Charlene is the embodiment of the bond that pet owners have with their pets:

“To me, the human animal bond is all about companionship. Pets teach children sensitivity and make them better people. They give us peace.  It’s not something that can be taught.  It’s natural.”


A long time adopter of shelter dogs, Charlene believes the adopted pets come with a sense of gratitude for being rescued.  An adoptee of hers was there during our conversation, happily wagging his tail as proof of her ongoing resolution to adopt shelter dogs.  I asked Charlene what was her strategy for giving. She told me she gives to organizations that speak to her and that do the right thing.

“I donate to the AHF because of the help they give people who struggle with providing veterinary care.” Charlene especially appreciates the work the foundation does for retirees who need assistance.  Another way of promoting the human animal bond…. A very humble thank you to Ms. Savage, for doing the right thing, and reminding us about the human animal bond… We will try to make you proud.


The Animal Health Foundation (AHF) understands the importance of pets and wildlife to the earth and to all humankind, and knows you do, too. Together we can make a difference in the lives of animals, while improving the quality of life on our fragile planet. The AHF is a nonprofit charitable organization committed to improving the health and welfare of animals by supporting and promoting charitable, scientific, literary, and educational activities.

As a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, we are financially independent and sponsor many ongoing projects. Your donations assist the AHF in meeting the needs of animal and human welfare, while supporting and promoting responsible pet ownership. Working in conjunction with the Southern California Veterinary Medical Association (SCVMA), we have ambitious plans for the future.

Please visit us on the web at:

In Honor of Lisa Behlendorf

From Jeffrey Conroy

Thank You to Garden Grove Dog and Cat Hospital

To all of the veterinarians and staff who work at the Garden Grove Dog and Cat Hospital - THANK YOU from the Walkers and Rebel and Hopalong.

We can think of no more deserving people to honor our two decease beagles (Rebel & Hopalong) as "All the Veterinarians" and "All the people" who work at the Garden Grove Dog and Cat Hospital. Everyone who was there when Rebel and Hopalong were patients are "Angels". You were caring, warm, friendly, and the Veterinarians always went out of their way to explain their problems, what might be needed to do, and most of all the sincere care that was given our beagles at their time of death. Rebel died at home in my arms on February 22, 2012 at the age of 11 years, which was hard for me. Still everyone was so kind and understanding when I told them Rebel had passed away. But the most unbearable of all the many things in life was having our Hopalong put to sleep on May 02, 2014 at the young age of 5 years young. It was without a doubt the most "heart breaking" decision in my life. But it was Dr. Cork and Danielle, who helped me and Hopalong let go of each other and with loving care took our Hopalong in their arms after we had said our goodbyes. To all of you at Garden Grove Dog and Cat Hospital you are my "Angels".

The Walker Family

In Honor of Leslie and Bruce White

From Shirley J. Levy:  Thanks for a great weekend.


In honor of Dr. Peter Vogel and Mr. George Toland


Wiley Foults, Walter Robertson and Shirley Foults

In honor of Nancy Morse

In honor of our mother's absolute love of animals, especially dogs, we have decided to make a Christmas donation in order that patients in hospitals and assisted living facilities can share her love of dogs as well


Monica Morse, Atlanta, GA

In Honor of Cheryl McHale

Happy Birthday from Deborah, Salvador, Stella and Angelica

Retiring Pet Therapy Team Joe Falvey and Gus

The Animal Health Foundation would like to thank Joe and Gus for their decade of service to Orange County.  They have mentored teams throughout South County and patients at Mission Hospital will miss seeing them!  Without Joe and Gus, many of our pet therapy programs would not exist.

Retiring Therapy Dog Team Carolyn, her daughter Malena and Shay

Since they were first evaluated in 2008, the Berndt's and their miniature schnauzer, Shay, became a fixture visiting at CHOC (Children's Hospital in Orange County). But Carolyn noticed that Shay didn't seem to enjoy her visits lately (2012) as much as she had. Even though Carolyn still loved their visits, she has decided to retire Shay because it wasn't fair to her pet partner. This is one of the hardest decisions an owner has to make, especially when the retirement is not for a medical reason. But, we are taught to be very aware of our therapy animals and be considerate of them.

The AHF Board of Trustees thanks you, Carolyn, Malena and Shay for your giving nature and wonderful visits to the children at CHOC.

Retiring Therapy Dog Team - Karen and Ceilidh

Ceilidh is a german shepherd and has had a 10 year career as a therapy dog and has always been there for those in need.  Karen and Ceilidh have worked in schools, libraries, hospitals and rest homes, but her favorite was at South Coast Medical Center in Laguna where she worked for over 6 years and then, more recently at PCRC at Mission Hospital Laguna Beach.

Her career has been so rewarding.

AHF thanks Karen and Ceilidh for their years of service.

Dr. Michael Smith, Country Hills Animal Clinic, Torrance, CA

A donation was made by Lynn and Phil Solomita in honor of and thanks to Dr. Smith on his retirement for his many years of dedicated and caring service to our pets, to us and to the community.  He will be greatly missed by all of his patients and their families.

To Honor Pam Becker

For being a champion of pet adoption and pet therapy.  Thank you for your dedication!

Retiring Therapy Dog Team

The AHF Board of Trustees would like to thank Carrie and Indy for the countless hours both gave to bring smiles to people's faces.

Since 2006 the team has visited assisted living homes and schools to help others.

Now, it's time for Indy to retire and we know that will be sad news for many who loved to see him enter their lives, even if for a few minutes.

Thank you from all of your fellow Pet Partners, Carrie and Indy.

To Honor the Birth of Taylor Marie Jarrett, December 14, 2011

Hoping that Taylor grows to love furry friends as much as all her family & that she soon enjoys a bond with TUCKER & JUDGE.

In Honor of Josh Sacks

Happy Hanukah from Nana and Papa

In Honor of Ms. Jen Philpott

From Ms. Stephanie Babbitt

Dr. Richard Glassberg Receives the AHF Cortese-Lippincott Award

On Saturday night, January 22, 2011, at the Southern California Veterinary Medical Association's annual installation dinner, Dr. Richard Glassberg received the prestigious Animal Health Foundation's Cortese- Lippincott award.  The award, in memory of Drs. Joe Cortese and Larry Lippincott was created to "recognize and honor an individual who has gone above and beyond in making the world a better place for both animals and humans.  The recipient has also gone above and beyond in community service, service and education of the veterinary community and the human-animal bond." Mrs. Goldie Cortese of San Clemente was at the festivities.

Dr. Mark Malo, Vice President of the AHF Board of Trustees, gave Dr. Glassberg the award stating: "Dick's dedication to his patients, their owners and the bonds they share have been exemplary.  He is a leader in a  profession that prides itself on empathy and compassion. Dr. Glassberg has never walked away from an animal in need."

Dr. Glassberg has been on the Board of Trustees of AHF for 43 years.  Dr. Malo remarked "I believe that without his constant vigilance over these forty plus years, I doubt this organization would be the viable entity it is today."  " He is someone whom I consider to be one of the finest veterinarians and finest people I have ever met."



In Honor of Amy Leveque and her AHF Pet Partner Annie

Amy and her dog Annie visited a resident in a nursing home at my request.  All this resident wanted was to pet a Golden Retriever again.  Amy was wonderful and her dog Annie was a bit hit too.

I have sent a donation to AHF Pet Partners to honor the good work done by Amy and her dog, Annie.

--Sharon McGlinn

In Honor of Pet Partners

In honor of the men and women and their pet partners who participate in this worthy program, a donation was made to the Pet Partners program by Dr.Rachel Sitler-Plaisted & Mr. Christopher Plaisted.

Retirement from AHF Pet Partner Program

Abby - also known as Abigail - is my doggie soul mate. From the minute our eyes met, I knew she was going to bring special meaning to my life.
She was my first therapy dog and was perfect for the mission. And, the joy she has brought people in all walks of life has given me unbelieveable insight into life.
After giving so much of herself for almost 12 years, it's time that she retires and enjoys her golden years being even more pampered.
My wonderful, sweet Abby - thank you - I adore you!



Donation in honor of David Mastromatteo's high school graduation from the Glassberg Family

David ...

Congratulations on your graduation from Fullerton High School and your acceptance at the University of California, Berkeley


From Adam, Mary and Dick

Thank You Daleen for Your Dedication!

Daleen holding a birdChaparral Elementary thanks Daleen Comer for her dedication and love for animals which positively impacts others.

We love when she and her friends visit our school!

Thank you Daleen, Cloud and Baxter!