Snickle Fritz
Missed By: Mike & Dee Carey
A Generous Donation Was Made By
The Doctors and staff of the Animal Hospital of Huntington Beach
What's in a Name?
The naming of cats is a difficult matter. It isn't just one of your holiday games. You may think at first I'm mad as a hatter when I tell you a cat must have three different names...T.S. Eliot
Snickle Fritz had several names - Snickle Pickle, Fritznsnickle, Snickman. When he showed up at our door in Spring 2006, we didn't know if he was a boy or a girl, so we called him Snicklefritz, which I guess was better than the alternative of Whoozy Doozy, I'm not sure.
Anyway, by the time we figured out that he didn't belong to anyone and made him a permanent member of the Carey feline family, the name stuck.
Snickle was a talkative guy, never shy about letting you know what he thought. We wanted him to stay indoors with our other cats, but he was having none of that, so we just made sure he was always in before dark. We will miss your antics, such as appearing on the second story roof demanding to be let in the bathroom window, which we of course obliged.
Rest well, sweet Snickle. Hopefully someday someone will come up with a cure for FIP and no other cats will have to suffer through it ever again.