April 18, 2011
Missed By: Mr. & Mrs. Heske
A Generous Donation Was Made By
Drs. Richard Glassberg, James Grimes and Caroline George from the Sunnycrest Animal Care Center
The Name
The naming of cats is a difficult matter. It isn't just one of your holiday games. You may think at first I'm mad as a hatter. When I tell you a cat must have three different names...T.S. Eliot
Within the brief nine days we had you with us, it took us only a little time, maybe a day (or three), to figure out the best name to fit the greatness of your spirit. I am so sorry that I, to whose care you were entrusted, tried everything against your kitty cold, and nothing worked, and somehow, I feel I failed you. We wish that anything had worked to turn your condition around.
We Love You!
We miss you!
You will be in our hearts and thoughts always.
Your spirit will be with us always.
Precious kitty spirit.
Sweet kitty heart.
Loves the tummy rub. Head in the palm of my hand.
No more suffering, you are in a better place, and you have your claws now!
When the time comes, whenever that may be, we look forward to being with you again on the other side.