Missed By: Momma Zee and Companion Mojo
A Generous Donation Was Made By
Drs. Richard Glassberg, James Grimes, Sheri Candeletta and James Chupeco from the Sunnycrest Animal Care Center
Sawyer, my special love, We Have a Secret
We have a secret, you and I
that no one else shall know,
for who but I can see you lie
each night in your special place on the bed. And who but I can reach my hand,
before we go to bed,
and feel the living warmth of you
and touch your silken head and pray in your ear.
And only I can walk the baseball field, and see ahead of me,
your beautiful boxer body racing with the wind
so young again, and free.
And only I can see you right at my side, following me from room to room,
and when I call, no one but I
can see you bounding toward me. I love you baby. Rest in peace.