Sissy Parra
Missed By: Stephanie and Kevin
A Generous Donation Was Made By
The doctors and staffs of the Orange County Emergency Pet Clinics
To Sissy
The first time I saw you, you were so small and cute and the first time you barked was so adorable it was like a little squeak. You weren't my dog in the beginning but over time you became mine. I took care of you like if you were my baby. I haven't stopped crying over you. You were more then just a dog to me and I know that you knew that. I'm sorry for not being the best owner I could of been. I admit I neglected you sometimes and I regret that so much cause I'll do anything to give you one last walk or shower or just anything. You were so attached to me you followed me everywhere and I liked that. I'm going to miss the way you licked me when i was sad, when I come home and I saw how happy you got, when it got cold and you'll come cuddle with me and just everything. July 7th was the worst day of my life I lost my dog, my friend and my baby. I just want to say thank you Sissy for giving me 7 years of unconditional love. Another dog like you I'll never find. You'll be missed. R.I.P MY BABY :(