February 17, 2013
Missed By: The Scott Osborne Family
A Generous Donation Was Made By
Drs. Les Malo, Brent Hess, Mark Malo and Kimberly Cork from the Garden Grove Dog & Cat Hospital
OSBORNE, Clyde, age 18.5 (human age 91), passed away Sunday, February 17, 2013 in Garden Grove, CA. Clyde was born July 1994 in Fenton, Michigan, along with his sister, Chloe. He resided in Michigan for the first 2 years of his life before moving to Fullerton, California and eventually settling in Tustin, CA. Clyde never lost his kitten-like qualities. He enjoyed playfully teasing his sister, playing ball, and lounging in any cardboard box. Clyde did not miss the cold Michigan winters as he relished the warm Santa Ana winds of Southern California. Although not very fond of his visits to the vet, he did enjoy his travels to Arizona and his vacation to Yellowstone National Park. Clyde's affectionate, gentle nature and easy-going, friendly personality will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved him. Surviving are Clyde's sister Chloe Osborne, and their 'dad'/companion Scott Osborne of Tustin. Clyde was preceded in death by our special friend Ron Rockman of Boynton Beach, FL to whom we are thankful for bringing us together. There will be an informal memorial service as the family requests those learning of Clyde's passing please paws and give a moment of silent prayer. Anyone wishing to make a donation in Clyde's memory, please consider Garden Grove Dog and Cat Hospital, 10822 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove, CA 92843, (www.ggpethospital.com) or Animal Health Foundation, 25422 Trabuco Road, Suite 105-201, Lake Forest, CA 92630, (www.animalhealthfoundation.net).