February 11, 2015
Missed By: The Burke Family
A Generous Donation Was Made By
Tim and Jan Burke - Sassafrass, Sassy for short, only had her name for six hours. She was the victim of a hit-and-run accident, and was cared for by a small group of strangers (now friends). Over the next 24 hours, we did our best to ensure she was given medical attention, was not alone, and did not suffer pain. Sadly, she did not survive her injuries. We are grateful to Dr. David Driscoll, DVM, the Lawndale Advanced Veterinary Care Center and all the others who tried to help her. The one day we spent with her made a difference in our lives, and we hope gifts in her memory will help to make a difference in the lives of other animals. Michele Dana, Deborah Arrington and Dina Willner