December 25, 2000
Missed By: The Rhino Michaels Family
A Generous Donation Was Made By
Dr. Barry Baum and Staff of the Center Sinai Animal Hospital
Christian Bear
God gave me a Christmas Present ..13 years ago...Bear came to me in a cardboard box , inside a Wal-Mart shopping cart in Joshua Tree ,, California . A little boy shouted out to me " Hey mister...want a puppy ?? , their free " I looked inside the box and lifted two out , placed the on the ground , and called them to me...the Golden one came right to me , Bear looked at me and went the other way ..I said " that's my dog " Independent Bear .",.. I baptized him Christian Bear with holy water from a little adobe church in Joshua Tree . We knelt together in prayer every day together. I would bless him ..In the name of the Father , The Son, and The Holy Ghost and then say gimme footsie ...he would give me his paw and sit in silent prayer with me until I blessed him again . Then he would look up at me with joyful eyes as he knew it was time to dig for mousies in the sand or walk along he oceans edge , chasing waves and sea gulls or go to doggie park. My housemate Carl Kravitz and I blessed his mortal remains with St. Marks Church Holy Water , held his frozen paw one last time in The Lords Prayer , kissed his face good voyage and walked him to the crematorium...his Urn sits along side the picture of my sister Ellen picture with with Emmet the Clown .I .lost Ellen to lung cancer a few years ago..My heart misses you dearly Angel Bear , you were my best and truest friend .. May God have mercy on your little doggie soul. And may you have Greenies in Heaven ..Your Daddy XXXX