October 02, 2011
Missed By: The Cisneros Family
A Generous Donation Was Made By
The doctors and staff of the Orange County Emergency Pet Clinics
Best Dog Ever
Kingsley was the first dog my husband (then boyfriend) and I had together. We got him when we were dating and moved into an apartment together. It was a challenge raising a dog together, but would be good practice for the future. Training, and especially potty training, was always the hardest. Kingsley was such a good dog. He was a kind dog and loved playing. We eventually moved out of the apartment, bought a house, and got married. Kingsley was with us the whole time. And when we brought a new dog home, Kingsley was a good older brother showing the new puppy the ropes. We had him for him a short time, only 2 1/2 years, but they were good times. In the end he slipped a disc in his back and became paralyzed from his mid back down. After a week of him not getting better and not being ale to be himself, we had to make the hard decision and say goodbye. He is forever missed and loved!