June 30, 2012
Missed By: Meghan
A Generous Donation Was Made By
The doctors and staffs of the Orange County Emergency Pet Clinics and Cat Care Clinic in Orange
PJ, The Worst Best Friend Ever
Anyone who knew PJ knew what a nightmare he was. From the second I brought him home he was up to no good, destroying things, peeing on EVERYTHING, eating flowers, eating clothes, breaking dishes, getting locked in the fridge, falling off couches, getting stuck under beds/couches, chewing electrical wires, sticking his paw under the bedroom door to bang it in the frame until you woke up, or to "pong" the door stop until you fed him, all the while crying at the top of his lungs, darting between your feet until you stepped on him, made him cry and he would give you death looks from the other room, you name it. PJ destroyed it.
Yet he always knew how to make me feel better. We shared a lot in his 5 short years, just him and I. Through foreclosures, roommates, bad breakups, heat waves, earthquakes, losing jobs, family drama etc, PJ was always by my side. Sometimes him with tear-soaked fur, but he was always there. I will certainly miss him, as there is no way he could ever be replaced (and no one in their right mind would want to :P)
Love you my baby boy and I will see you later