February 04, 2017
Missed By: The Adams Family
A Generous Donation Was Made By
Drs. Les Malo, Brent Hess, Mark Malo and Kimberly Cork from the Garden Grove Dog & Cat Hospital
We named him zuko
He had been sick from the time he was a kitten. In and out of the hospital yearly. Flare up visits and medications everyday. Garden Grove Dog and cat hospital made it easier for our family to manage his illness. Zuko was a very loving cat. When people met him they called him majestic and that pictures did not do him justice. He purred nonstop and wanted nothing more than to be snuggled all the time.
He loved wet food more than dry. His nicknames were: boo boo bear, zuzu bear, fluffers, zuboo luboo.
He was patient and loving. We will miss him dearly.