Missed By: Bill and Fran
A Generous Donation Was Made By
Drs. Richard Glassberg, James Grimes, Rebecca Rosenberg, James Chupeco and Nancy Lefavour from the Sunnycrest Animal Care Center
Max came to us as a gift from God. He was not young and had many ailments. We were chosen to love and care for Max until it was his time to approach the Rainbow Bridge. It was God's plan, not ours and we were honored to be the ones chosen. We poured out as much love and affection to Max as we could because we knew our time together would be short. When the Plan came together it was time for Max to head for the Rainbow Bridge to reunite with his family. Our time was short but he will forever live in our hearts. We are sure he is running and jumping now with his human family without aches and pains.