Miss Quora
Missed By: The Dr. Marty Becker Family
A Generous Donation Was Made By
The Board of Trustees of the Animal Health Foundation of California
Our Miss Quora
Quora was special from the moment we met, and sheÃÃâ,Ãâ"Ãs the one who chose us to have as her own in a meeting that was divinely appointed.
I met her at an adoptathon. As I knelt down to say hi, she crawled up onto my lap, looking up at me adoringly with what my Mom called ÃÃâ,ÃÅ"tootsie popÃÃâ,ÃÃ eyes: big, round, bright, and dancing. Then she lifted all of herself gingerly onto my lap as she leaned into my chest to get as close as possible to me.
I was appalled to learn that Quora prior to that day had been living outside in a cage with her siblings for over a year once she and her litter mates grew out of ÃÃâ,ÃÅ"cute puppy stageÃÃâ,ÃÃ and were replaced by younger pups. It was striking to me hearing that, as here sat the most cuddly dog IÃÃâ,Ãâ"Ãd ever met who literally couldnÃÃâ,Ãâ"Ãt get enough love and physical touch.
In that moment on my lap she chose me, chose my family, as our own. Yes; in that instant I knew sheÃÃâ,Ãâ"Ãd picked me and there was no way in hell I could leave her behind. And after hearing her story, I wanted nothing more than to give her all of the love sheÃÃâ,Ãâ"Ãd been missing and was so desperate to give to others. I called my Dad and told him that I knew I had found the perfect canine companion for my momÃÃâ,Ãâ"Ãs dog Quixote. He said, ÃÃâ,ÃÅ"I trust you, get her, and bring her home!ÃÃâ,ÃÃ