August 30, 2021
Missed By: Daleen, Keith, Casey and Geneva Comer
A Generous Donation was made by
The Board of Trustees of the Animal Health Foundation
Cloud, A Remarkable Dove
Cloud, a white Ringneck Dove, was hatched in our home on Aug. 15, 2008, and handled since birth by adults and children. As he grew, he became more and more outgoing and friendly, and when he was two years old, he became a member of AHF Caring Creatures. He worked with a variety of people in many different places. He helped children with reading as a registered Reading Assistance animal, and attended the same elementary school for 9 years. In addition, he attended many special events at elementary schools to teach students about birds or therapy animals. He regularly helped college students who were stressed during test periods at two local colleges. In addition, he visited middle school students during testing and visited a school every month during recess to help the students control their stress. He visited adult patients in a mental health facility, senior citizens, teens in a shelter, youth in a group home, and participated in many community outreach programs. His work was featured in two non-fiction books: "The Dog in the Dentist Chair" and "Birds for Dummies." He touched the lives of literally thousands of people, most of them children, in his 10-year career.