Scholarship Winner Miftahul Jannah

Photos when I do practice veterinary physiology at the laboratory of faculty Veterinary of syiah kualaPractical Physiology of Blood CirculationMy name is Miftahul jannah, I  was born in Sigli on 06 April 1994. I live in sigli with my parent until now. My father’s name is Alamsyah and my mother’s name is Halimah. My father is an entrepreneur and my mother is a teacher of junior high school in Kota Bakti. I have 5 sisters and no brother. My first sister’s name is Zahara, she is 26 years old, she also a teacher of junior high school in Kota Bakti. My second sister’s name is Nadia Maulidia, she is 24 years old and now she works in Banda Aceh. Next, my third sister’s name is Zikria Hanum, she is 22 years old and now she is a student of Unsyiah University. And then my little sister’s name is Rizka Maulina, she is 16 years old and now she is a student of senior high school. The last one is Syerma Shakira, she is 8 years old and now she is a student of elementary school.

When I was 5 years old I studied at TK Alquran (Kindergarten) then in 2000 I studied at SDN 4 Kota Bakti and I was graduated in 2006, then I studied in SMPN 2 Sakti and graduated in 2009 then I continued my study in senior high school at SMAN 1 Sakti and graduated in 2012 and now I am studying at Veterinary Faculty, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh.

My activities while in the Faculty of Veterinary Syiah Kuala University is conducting various lab work regarding my courses  ranging  from matters  concerning  Embryology, Animal Anatomy, Animal Physiology, Biostatistics,  biochemical,  general husbandry, and Science  and  Public  Lecture.  Currently I’m following the extra-curricular activities because I am still trying to keep my class schedules and the course at this time.

I wanted to be a vet because the vet is a very noble job, where they protect God’s creation and positioning it to be a human being in need of protection and adequate healthcare. My hope in the future, I’ll be able to maintain and protect various types of animals through my profession as a veterinarian. Besides, I want to make my parents and my family proud of me by becoming a professional veterinarian.

OCS Scholarship is a bridge for me to reach my hope and my dream to be a veterinarian. By this scholarship, I can ease the burden of my parents in my college fund, so they can still pay my sisters in their school without thinking of me. I am very grateful to be given this opportunity to get this scholarship.

The course that I took today is one of Veterinary Anatomy, Islamic Education, Veterinary Physiology 1, Biostatistics, Veterinary Biochemistry 1, English, General Science Animal Husbandry and Embryology, all totaling 21 credits.

That’s all for this report, I hope OCS scholarship will flourish and sustain.

