The Larchmont Animal Clinic reached out to the Angel fund to help pay for the repair of the Gillin family’s red eared slider turtle’s shell. Tesla is recovering nicely!
This is a first for the Angel Fund!
Click Red Eared Slider for more information about this turtle.
Do you help sick dogs needing an internal medicine vet?? I’m on a ‘fixed income and my little poodle REALLY,REALLY NEED’S an internal medicine vet and i don’t have the money to get her one. :-(. If i did have the money I would get her one as….. ILOVE HER VERY,VERY MUSH…Kisses is like one of m children!!
Copy and paste the following link into your browser and see how the Angel Fund works. If you are in Southern California, and the veterinarian you select is a member of the SCVMA, they can apply for a grant for you.