July 20, 2012
The Animal Health Foundation

The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement hosts chat rooms for people to learn how to cope with the loss, and anticipated loss, of pets. There are certified pet bereavement counselors in every chat, and there is no charge for this service . Come see what we do, and chat with others who understand the pain of pet loss. https://aplb.org/chat/chat_petloss.html
Please i need help i cant stop crying, my Snickers of 10-1/2 years was ill and i had to put her in heaven, its been 8 days and the tears will not stop. My dog did not look sick, and maybe i should have keept her home alittle longer. my heart is broken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5412 tropical toucan ave, las vegas, nv 89130
Losing a furry friend is very difficult. Go to https://www.facebook.com/TheAPLB?ref=stream so that you can contact the Association of Pet Loss and Bereavement to find someone who can help in Las Vegas.
We lost our little rotes and she was 18 yrs old when she got sick she just went downhill so quickly.My daughter had her since she was 5 and she is grieving so hard I don’t know how to help her.
And you gave her a wonderful 18 years. We are so sorry for your loss.
My baby girl Precious Passed 4 24 2017 She went to hospital on a Sunday they kept her over nite she never had to stay at a hospital over nite let alone be in one besides having c section and getting fixed and her shots so it was very hard fr us.w e picked her up the next day after noon came home had her for about an hr and a half and then she passed after taking her eds for her heart.. IT was the worst thing ever seeing and I will never ever forget it I hurt I ache I miss her dearly and cant take it its no home no more without her. I cry daily just looking at her pictures bring tears she lived a good happy life was loved by many We got Precious when she was only 6 weeks from my Aunt and had her till she reached 19 but still I miss her and will never stop loving her until I see her again and she will come running to us I cant wait for that day honestly it hurts so so bad my heart has a big hole in it and it will, never go away I love you today just as I did yesterday and all the years and miss you more than life itself We never know when its or time never So so hard I love you my Princess BAby girl Precious Mommy and DAddy
Hi I can’t stop crying I lost my best friend on July 10th it was a very hard day for me. As I made the call to have him put down as he was in pain and I couldn’t help him at all. I miss him so much, he was my best friend and he was always there for me. I feel like I let him down because I couldn’t help him at all, not that I didn’t try everything I could. When does it got easier. I miss you Duke so much.
I just lost my Maine Coon cat today. He had a Mega Colon problem. He survived his first surgery which had a 50% chance of him dying but he lived. After that he lived over a year longer but his second surgery was too hard and would have left him suffering. Unfortunately we put him down for there was nothing we could do. But he smiled through it all. My dad came home to tell me and my family. We had him buried in the yard. He taught me how to understand him through feeling. He was the strong, happy, and caring. I know that one day I will see him again, but until then I will wait. My Rosey meant the world to me
On June 21, 2019, our Golden Retriever, Dolly, passed on. I miss her so much. I wonder if she is scared and looking for us, or even if she has forgotten us. Is she safe? Happy? The vet tech said she “was in a better place ” but the place we gave her was wonderful. A better place? Oh god, this pain. Grief offers no mercy.
We are very sorry for your loss. The loss of a special pet can be devastating. We have sources on our website that might be able to help you work through your grief.
Please click on the following link:
I’m not very well with computers but it says set up my reply I lost my dog Olivia the power of my truck which was my fault a year ago and I cry for her every single day and the guilt consumes me everyone says I’ll get another. How can I bring another dog into her home unloved what you said and if you could reply I would love that too phone numbers 773-704-9275 like I said I’m not very good with computers
Please click this to get directly to their website: http://www.aplb.org
My dog just died 2 hours ago. He got run over. I saw him die. He couldn’t bark and couldn’t breath, he gasped for his air, but his neck was broken. It’s quite possibly the most traumatic thing I’ve ever witnessed. I never thought I was really “attached” to Hunter, but it’s hitting me way harder than I ever imagined. I’m tied between being strong for my family and totally losing it. He was 7 years old and the most loving dog I’ve ever known, he cared so much and always loved cuddling with me. Maybe I’m being dramatic, but I’m suffering way more and I can’t get the image of his dying body out of my head.